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Asuncion, Paraguay 2021

Sismos was a process of collective, face-to-face, performative experimentation, with the care required by the context of the pandemic. Through practices and body dynamics we reflect on the need to challenge our habits, and explore policies of contact and mutual affectation. We seek to create a space for research and collective enjoyment among everyone. Sismos is an exercise to think about art beyond the work, to conceive resistance from what is linked, from touch, listening and open attention.

This material contains various impressions and reflections of what the practices aroused in the participants, intertwined with records of various encounters. It seeks to set a precedent for resistance to the dehumanization of our bonds and sensations and to motivate curiosity about performance and the other ways of the body.
PARTICIPANTS: Ceci Avati, Sofía Insfrán, Geo Samaniego, Mateo Mercado, Wilson Yegros, Giselle Caputo, Andre Rolón K, Noemi López, Caro Rodríguez, Ana Goetz // Coordinator: Brune A. Comas from Vena Rota.

This Workshop was carried out thanks to the support of the  Prince Claus Fund.

We thank Obradora Cultural for the space.


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