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performance raw in the flesh
when life can take no more

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In a political context like Asunceno, the State seems to refound and recreate the worst nightmares of our territory. It treacherously encourages the promotion of the Stroessner dictatorship and "justice" leaves criminals who harm everyone unpunished. It seems that there is no way through the partisan or citizen that can produce fundamental changes, detached from outdated and obsolete traditional models. In this looting that neglects humanity and nature, how can we continue?


We need to be others, do other things, think and wish outside of neoliberalism that is capitalizing on everything we feel, think and live. De-territorialize behaviors, affections and habits and generate others, beyond the feeling of powerlessness that consumes us. Disobey the self, go over the edge, get out, overthrow the idol of oneself (or the certainties) to give place to something else, to others.


That is why getting together is essential, and we know that there is no such thing as being together, inhabiting the event of the meeting. The performance is an excuse that induces us to perceive ourselves for a few moments, more body than mind, which is inspiring and stimulating. Survivors of oppressive systems, moving and creating alternatives, enabling variants.



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